Writings by Swami B.G. Narasingha

Avatars in Every Species

Dec 29 2000 - Krishna Talk 11
I have a question, the answer to which should help me frame a paper I will write later this summer for an interfaith presentation on the topic of God among us: A Catholic-Vaishnava Dialog, the Incarnation and Avatar. » more

After the Disappearance of the Guru

Dec 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 10
What are the types of disciples who become manifest after the disappearance of the guru? » more

A Brief Response to "Ratha Yatra in Navadwip"

Nov 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 9
In our original article there were some details regarding dates and such that were corrected by B. V. Madhava Maharaja in his article. I thank B. V. Madhava Maharaja for this information although these additions to our original article do not change the main issues at hand. » more

Have the Vedas advanced civilization?

Sep 19 2000 - Krishna Talk 7
Have the Vedas advanced civilization? If yes, how? » more

Способствовали ли Веды развитию цивилизации?

Sep 19 2000 - Krishna Talk 7
Способствовали ли Веды развитию цивилизации? Если да, то как? » more

Ратха-Ятра в Навадвипе

Sep 5 2000 - Krishna Talk 6
Многие преданные, с которыми я говорил, очень обеспокоены по этому поводу и хотели бы услышать Ваши объяснения и уточнения по этому вопросу. Не могли бы Вы, пожалуйста, объяснить? » more

Ratha Yatra in Navadvipa

Sep 5 2000 - Krishna Talk 6
Many of the devotees that I have spoken with are very disturbed about this matter and would like to hear your explanation and clarification on this topic. Could you please explain? » more


Aug 30 2000 - Krishna Talk 5
Is a pure devotee, the guru or an acarya, omniscient? » more


Aug 30 2000 - Krishna Talk 5
Является ли чистый преданный, гуру, или ачария, всезнающим? » more

Существует ли Бог?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
У меня есть друг, который говорит, что Вы не можете знать существует ли Бог потому, что Вы не можете Его видеть, поэтому он говорит, что неправильно базировать свою жизнь на догадке. Он также спрашивает, почему преданные приводят цитаты из писаний, неужели они не могут думать сами? » more

Does God Exist?

Aug 12 2000 - Krishna Talk 4
I have a friend who says that you cannot know whether God exists, because you cannot see Him, so he says it is wrong to base your life upon a guess. He also asks why devotees quote the scriptures; aren¹t they able to think for themselves? » more

Hearing from A Rasika Acarya

Aug 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 3
Is it true that to make advancement in Krsna consciousness one should hear from a rasika-acarya (a spiritual master advanced in relishing mellows of pure devotion) on the level of Viswanatha Cakravarthi Thakura? » more

Слушая Расика Ачарию

Aug 2 2000 - Krishna Talk 3
Правда ли, что для продвижения в сознании Кришны нужно слушать расика-ачарию (духовного учителя, продвинутого в наслаждении вкусом чистой преданности), находящегося на уровне Вишванатха Чакраварти Тхакура? » more

Meditation And The Holy Name

Jul 16 2000 - Krishna Talk 2
What should be the meditation of the mind while engaged in chanting the Holy Names of the Lord? » more

Медитация и Святое Имя

Jul 16 2000 - Krishna Talk 2
На что нужно направлять свой ум во время повторения Святых Имён Господа? » more

A Particle of Dust

Jun 13 2000 - Krishna Talk 1
What should be the highest aspiration of a Gaudiya Vaishnava? Should one aspire after the position of a manjari who can enter the groves of Vrindavana to serve Radha and Krsna? What should be our aspiration? » more

Частичка пыли

Jun 13 2000 - Krishna Talk 1
Kаким должно быть высочайшее стремление Гаудиа Вайшнава? Должен ли кто-то стремиться к положению манджари, которая может войти в рощи Вриндавана, чтобы служить Радхе и Кришне? Каково должно быть наше стремление? » more

Secret of Prema - Rasika or Sahajiya?

Date Unknown - Article
One evening as we sat at Srila Puri Maharaja's lotus feet hearing about what it means to be a genuine Vaisnava, we were astounded when suddenly Srila Puri Maharaja said, "There is a wave of sahajiyaism coming to the Western world and you must preach against this misconception." » more

Planets of Faith

Date Unknown - Article
Recently, we came across a discussion on the internet regarding sraddha - the importance of faith. Is it essential or only a necessity for the beginner? It is an area of siddhanta that is little understood by a vast majority of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas residing in western countries. » more

Sri Gaura Gayatri Vijaya - Establishing the Eternality of Sri Gaura Gayatri

Date Unknown - Article
According to the Vedic pramana (sruti, Puranas, Mahabharata, and Srimad-Bhagavatam) Sri Caitanya is none other than Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has descended in Kali-yuga in the guise of a devotee. » more