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Physics to Metaphysics

Date Unknown - Article
Following the transition from Newtonian classical physics to quantum mechanics, several scientists have explored the possibility of a connection between physics and transcendence. » more

Deliberations on the Origin of the Soul

Date Unknown - Article
Jaiva Dharma - Chapter 15. Translated from the original Bengali by leading Bengali devotee scholars; disciples of and under the direction of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Published by Sri Gaudiya Math, Madras. » more

Two Official Meetings of Srila Sridhara Maharaja with the ISKCON GBC - March 1978

Mar 1 1978 - Article
The gurudeva is mentioned in the sastra with an example. The sisya is like a lotus, and the gurudeva like the water around, just as in a pond or in a lake, gurudevas position is like water and Krsna is like the sun. As long as the lotus is floating on the water, the sun will give life to the lotus... » more

The process for carrying out Srila Prabhupada's desires for future initiations

Mar 1 1978 - Article
In May 1977 His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada felt that his days in this material world were almost at an end. He traveled to Vrndavana and asked that his leading disciples come and join him. Specifically, he called for the members of the Governing Body Commission, who manage... » more

Srila Sridhara Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation - March 1977

Mar 1 1977 - Article
Srila Prabhupada: I want to take you everywhere. At least at the place we have in Mayapura, people are coming from all over the world. Why don't you come and stay there? What is your objection to staying in Mayapura? If you just agree, then whatever kind of building you want, I will arrange it for... » more

Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja - Room Conversation Transcript - March 17, 1973

Mar 17 1973 - Article
Srila Sridhara Maharaja: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. So, our Swami Maharaja has done a miracle! (Laughingly) He has done a miracle. What Bhaktivinoda conceived and [Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati] Prabhupada tried according to his conception to translate into action -- we find that through Swami... » more

The Pontifical Position of Madhavendra Puri

Jan 1 1936 - Article
Sri Madhavendra Puri is the sprout of the great tree of devotional love represented in the world by Sri Chaitanya Deva. Sri Madhavendra Puri comes from the line of Sri Madhva, the acarya of the pure Dwaita (dualistic) philosophy. It is well known to a student of religious literature that puree... » more

The Correct Angle of Vision

Jun 14 1935 - Article
This is a reproduction of a conversation with Major Rana N. J. Bahadur at Armadale, Darjeeling on June 14th, 1935. It was originally published in The Harmonist (Vol. XXXI, No.21) on the 27th of June, 1935. » more

The Forgetfulness of The Humanists

Sep 19 1934 - Article
The Fountainhead of all eternal and temporal manifestations is confined in Sri Krsna alone. The non-absolute phases are emanations from a particular potency whose analytical distributions are known as gunas or qualities. In the factor of time, they are branched as past, present and future and... » more

Adbhuta Mandira Report from the Gaudiya - March 20, 1934

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Mar 20 1934 - Article
Fulfillment of Bhaktivinoda's instruction and desire » more

Adbhuta Mandira Report from the Gaudiya - March 9, 1934

Gaudiya Magazine Editors
Mar 9 1934 - Article
New Temple opened as reported in the Navadvipa-dhama Pracarini Sabha. » more

Thakura Bhaktivinoda

Dec 1 1931 - Article
We avail of the opportunity offered by the Anniversary Celebrations of the advent of Thakura Bhaktivinoda to reflect on the right method of obtaining those benefits that have been made accessible to humanity by the grace of this great devotee of Krsna. Thakura Bhaktivinoda has been specifically... » more